Teakettle, Cheeseburger . . . Pidaro? The Case for Using Real Words to Remember Bird Songs
Some bird guides eschew words for more literal translations of a bird’s song, but doing so ignores the point of mnemonic devices: aiding memory.
Some bird guides eschew words for more literal translations of a bird’s song, but doing so ignores the point of mnemonic devices: aiding memory.
Like in most raptors, the female Red-tail is larger than the male. That’s because (I often add) females are better. Half the audience laughs; half groans.
Birding is a fun, low-impact outdoor activity that adults and kids can share together. Here are a few tips I recommend for getting started, keeping it interesting, and being safe, especially in the time of social distancing.
Somebody has always seen more and knows more about the day’s sightings than somebody else! I was the least experienced at the time, so I was the most doubted! These back and forth debates happen at all levels.