by DJ Featherton

I live in a Bald Eagle rich area. St. John’s County in Florida has 36 active nests, and I’m thrilled each time I see these beautiful birds. Sometimes they’ll perch in the trees right in our backyard overlooking a small pond. Point being, as a birder, I’m well acquainted with the Bald Eagle. Recently, however, I read a post showing two perched mature Bald Eagles, and one of them was “blonde.” I’ve not seen this before. Discoloration, or leucism, though rare, happens with any bird. Have you ever seen a yellow Cardinal, or an all-white Red-tailed Hawk? I guess the discoloration of the Bald Eagle just took me by surprise, but it happens! Here’s the proof, and here are the facts that there is a BLONDE Bald Eagle …

An unusually colored Bald Eagle is called Leucistic. Leucism is a genetic mutation that prevents some of the needed melanin, or pigment, from being produced in parts of the bird’s body. Leucism can cause white patches at the Bald Eagle’s wing tips, or it can lighten all the feathers to a taffy tan or mix dark brown feathers with white feathers. Leucistic Eagles with lots of mottled brown and white can be confused with a very young, immature eagle. Other variations, or discolorations can occur as well. Albinism is a total absence of melanin. Melanin is in the skin and makes the color for skin, feathers, hair and eyes. An all-white bird without any color is, of course, an Albino. Irony being these mutations can make a Bald Eagle look quite striking. Seems finding a mate is not a problem for an unusually colored Bald Eagle. As with all birds, Leucism or Albinism is rare and can give a birder an experience of a lifetime.

OK, now you saw a “blonde” Bald Eagle and you are back at the sports bar to tell your birding friends what you saw. Good Luck! Hope you had a camera. Even that may not settle the debates and arguments over a “Blonde” Bald Eagle……….might as well have another beer.