by BA Nester

Hummingbirds are the JEWELS of the bird world! Everyone loves them! Not only are they beautiful and fascinating to watch, but they are incredible nest builders … hummingbird nests are Architectural Wonders!
Hummingbirds build their nests in sheltered locations that are safe from predators, the sun, wind and rain. The nests are usually found in the fork of thin branches in dense or thorny thickets or in heavily leafed trees. Sometimes you are fortunate to find a hummingbird nest as low as 3′ from the ground! If you do, be a thoughtful observer and don’t disturb Mama Hummingbird. She may leave the nest and her hatchlings, never to return. Hummingbird nests have been found in trees as high as 60′, it all depends on how safe the female hummingbird feels.

As the female builds her nest, she seeks out materials that will camouflage it. She will use lichens, tiny twigs, or little pieces of bark on the exterior to make it blend in with the tree. The tiny, golf-ball sized nests are cup-shaped with the top edge curving inward to keep the hatchlings in the nest. She will use a variety of soft materials like plant down, fuzz, fur or hair from leaves and cattails, cotton fiber, if she can find it, or even feathers on the interior of the nest to cushion her eggs.
The beauty of it all is, to finish her Architectural Wonder, she will use Spider Silk as threads to weave her nest together! The silky threads making it elastic so the nest can EXPAND to hold the hatchlings as they grow! How wondrous is that? As her babies get bigger, the hummingbird nest will expand and she will continually patch it to keep it strong, making the windward side thicker than the leeward side so there is good air circulation for the babies. Just amazing!

You will notice the male is nowhere to be seen. When the hummers migrate North, the males usually arrive first to scout out the hot territories where they think they will find the most females with which to mate. As the females arrive, even before they choose a mate, they find their perfect hummingbird nest sites and start building their nests. After they choose a male for breeding they continue to build their nests. The males continue to breed with multiple females, not participating in nest building, incubating or feeding. Someone should call Social Services!

Females almost always lay 2 eggs, each about a 1/2″ long. Once the eggs are laid, incubation is usually 2-3 weeks. During that time, Mama Hummingbird only leaves the eggs for about 5 minutes out of an hour, flying off to her food sources. Being the good planner that she is, her food sources are usually close, but not further than a half-mile. After the eggs hatch, the babies usually stay with the mother for about another 3 weeks, getting strong and quickly becoming independent. The female hummingbird and her young may only use the nest once OR, they may come back and build atop the old hummingbird nest, bringing in new materials and recycling some of the old.

If you want to attract hummingbirds to your backyard, supply a good source of food. The best sources being a combination of native, long-necked nectar flowers and hummingbird feeders. A source of moving water is always attractive to hummingbirds whether you make a dripper or use a birdbath with a gentle fountain. But, most importantly is a good nesting area of densely growing hedges and trees that provide protection from the elements and predators!

So get online and look to see which nectar flowers are native to your area, find a native grower and plant your hummingbird flowers! Make sure your hummingbird feeder is immaculately clean at all times! Fill it and keep your eyes on your new garden! You will be delighted with the beauty of the Hummingbirds AND Butterflies it attracts!

Recipe for Homemade Hummingbird “Nectar“
- 4 cups fresh water
- 1 cup granulated sugar
In a clean pot, bring the ingredients to a boil. Turn off the heat and let it come to room temperature. That’s it. The proportions are very important. Too little sugar and it won’t supply the nutrients needed. Too much and they won’t like the taste. NO FOOD COLORING! Buy a hummingbird feeder that has some red on it. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator.
4 thoughts on “Hummingbird Nests are Architectural Wonders!”
Love this! Can’t wait to put up my hummingbird feeder!
Best of luck in attracting some Hummingbirds! Happy Birding! BA Nester
Fascinating information! Hummingbirds come to my Wendy’s Wish Salvia every year!
Tonight, at dusk, the female Ruby-Throat buzzed me twice. I hope that means we have a nest in the big oak! Thanks for your comment! BA Nester