by BA Nester

April 22, 2020, the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! It is a time to reflect on our beautiful Blue Earth, on the environment we live in. Have we succeeded in the past 50 years in making our air clean, our water pure and our climate stable? If nothing else, the self-quarantining caused by the Covid-19 virus has shown us the answer. It is yes, since 1970 many countries have put in strict environmental standards …. but we still have a long way to go.
In the short weeks and months our world has been quieted by Man staying in his house, we have seen smog disappearing from urban centers. The water of the Canals of Venice is CLEAR. Bird songs can be heard in downtown areas. And amazingly, our world is not vibrating as much since we are all staying indoors.
Eventually we will all be back at work and, sadly, the various forms of pollution will return. What can we, as individual Birders, do? The simple things: Plant trees, plant a bird-friendly garden, provide safe houses for the birds you are feeding, keep your bird feeders and fountains clean. Just be a conscientious provider for the birds.
We can participate in Citizen Science projects! My favorite ones are ones that have to do with birds. I have participated in Project Feederwatch through Cornell’s All About Birds website. I use eBird that helps them track the bird populations. And I count birds every February for their Big Backyard Bird Count. Google “Citizen Science” to find projects which appeal to you!
In this 50th year anniversary of Earth Day, let’s all be mindful of the environment, of what we are consuming, of how we are treating Mother Earth. She will remind us that we will reap what we sow, so let’s sow habits that create clean air, pure water and a stable climate! Happy Earth Day!