by DJ Featherton
Well, I guess it happens to the best of us. Hearing loss! Whether it’s age, too many heavy metal rock concerts, or for whatever other reasons, at least one in four of us will experience some form of hearing loss. This common problem sneaks up on us and can eventually handicap our entire lives if not dealt with. Here’s the good news, technology has finally caught up with the high-priced hearing aid industry! Now there are hearing aids that are nearly invisible, are comfortable, and with higher quality at a fraction of the old traditional costs. Today, you can select your hearing aids with next day delivery and a 30- or 45-day free trial. Did you hear that?
I’m a birder and have been for many years. My thoughts on hearing devices goes to us birders. If you’re not birding with others, you may not be aware of what you’re missing. I’ve been on national bird counts where we’re given a route to follow, a time to start, and then stopping every few miles to record what we see and hear. We always identified what we heard more than what we saw. Being able to identify the sounds and calls of birds is an important skill set for any birding enthusiast. Even in your own backyard you will hear the sounds from dozens of your neighborhood regulars and be able to identify who’s who. Ya gotta hear!
Specialists say we are meant to have equal hearing from both ears. This gives you three times the hearing than if one ear hears less than the other. Yeow, that’s a lot! Today’s feature-packed hearing aids can quickly adjust to various listening environments, so the sounds of nature are crisp and clear. Although I recommend getting the right everyday hearing aids for your needs, I at least recommend an inexpensive pair of hearing aids for birding. You’ll love it, and it will make a world of difference!