by DJ Featheron

I’ve been the owner of an events company that managed and produced “Home and Landscape” shows nationally for nearly thirty years. I’ve seen thousands of professional backyard deck and patio displays. The beauty and creativity of many of these exhibits were wonderful for homeowners looking for backyard ideas. One simple exhibit that was always a crowd stopper were whiskey barrels neatly arranged or stacked and filled with water that gently cascaded down and recirculated with an electric or solar recirculating pump. With pots and plants and surrounding shrubbery, these fountains make a natural and pleasant environment for your backyard.

My interest in whiskey barrel fountains was renewed recently when my wife and I were invited to some friends’ home for dinner. We were invited out to the patio and there was an absolutely beautiful 3 tier whiskey barrel fountain nestled into the corner of their yard. Simple plant shelves made of treated wood held big colored ceramic pots with exotic plants and flowers surrounded the fountain. Even more dramatic were several old wooden fence posts that were placed unevenly, artistically, above the fountain. To top it off, a little cabin birdhouse sat atop one fence post and actually housed a house wren!
Our friends complained about not getting the birds they expected, so, as an experienced birder, I gave advice on feeders and feed and what to attract. My final advice was to add a bird bath. These can be easily purchased as a shallow, decorative glass bowl which permits birds to drink and bathe, that rests on a small pedestal. The falling water of the fountain will attract birds but is too deep for them to use. Giving shadow to our friend’s backyard is a large southern live oak tree with lots of hanging Spanish moss making their yard an exceptionally beautiful environment.

Whiskey barrel fountains can be purchased in many sizes and configurations and are affordable to everyone. So, make a backyard project to attract the birds. Be creative. If you’re looking to bring some interest to your yard that doesn’t look like the Statue of David, think “whiskey barrel garden fountains!” If you have pictures, post and share!